We've got a full roster of Fine Cooking editorial expertise lined up to join us for today's Foodies Night In (#fni)! If you missed Editor Laurie Buckle on What's Hot Radio hosted by Cooking with Caitlin, here's a second chance to get to know a creative force behind Fine Cooking. What a huge treat!
Here's the full line-up of experts ready to help all savvy hosts and fellow foodies with our fine cooking at home interests, issues and questions:
~ @finecooking and @FC_Laurie - the epicurean editorial team of Fine Cooking including @FC_Laurie @FC_Lisa @FC_Juli @evanbarbour and others!
~ @DorieGreenspan - author of Around My French Table
~ @AbbyDodge - author of Desserts 4 Today
~ @MaitreFromager - Max McCalman, author of Mastering Cheese: Lessons for Conoisseurship from a Maitre Fromager
~ @midwestculinary - The Midwest Culinary Institute

AND, if that's not enough to get your mouth watering, Kitchen Aid is joining the party with a fantastic PRIZE for the giveaway...keep reading!!
7/26 Giveaway
Are you ready? Thanks to our sponsors, we have several MUST-haves for today's giveaway.
(1) a Kitchen Aid 12-cup Food Processor!!
Details about this extra AMAZING giveaway prize giving more power to you and your next Good Food Gathering menu!!
With a 12-cup work bowl and two tall feed tubes, no job is too big. And the powerful motor is ready to help you chop, shred, slice, grate, mince, blend and bring your creations to life easily. It's like having your own assistant in the kitchen. MSRP $249.99-$269.99
(2) your own copy of Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan. Follow her on Twitter @DorieGreenspan.
(3) your own copy of Desserts 4 Today by Abby Dodge. Follow her on Twitter @AbbyDodge.
(4) your own copy of Mastering Cheese: Lessons for Conoisseurship from a Maitre Fromager by Max McCalman. Follow him on Twitter @MaitreFromager.
How to Enter the Drawing?
There are 2 quick steps to enter the drawing.
1. RSVP by sending the following Tweet:
I'm #cooking it up at #Foodie s Night In (#fni) Mon 4pET w/@cookingwcaitlin - @KitchenAidUSA @finecooking #GIVEAWAY http://bit.ly/dkdZmO
2. Follow @cookingwcaitlin, @SavvyHost @finecooking @KitchenAidUSA.
(While you're at it, we think @girlfriendology and @cozifamily are also deliciously delightful follows!!)
About Foodies' Night In (#fni)
The creative culinary concept of the wunder-gals at Cooking with Caitlin,
this is a tweet-up focused on food, wine, cooking, and gathering
friends and family together - sounds like the chorus to the The Savvy
Host theme? That's why we're hooked ... and you will be too!
Cooking with Caitlin's Foodies' Night In (#fni) Twitter Party
When? Mondays, 4-6pm EST
Where? Around the globe on Twitter with hashtag #fni
Topics? Change weekly but always about Food, glorious Food!
along with a special panel of experts each week!!
RSVP? Please send a Tweet to let us know you're joining the foodie fun!
How does a Twitter Party work?
Monday afternoons, we meet through Twitter. Using the hashtag #FNI, we
meet & greet at the virtual party door, and get cozy to chat
about whatever food-related topic is featured that day. The sponsors
and hosts have 10 questions to lead and frame the discussion over the
two hours. But the real fun begins with comments, feedback and (often
unexpected) hilarity from all the Twitter participants! Drop in and out
as your schedule permits - you can always catch up by reviewing the
twitter logs!
What mouth-watering #fni topics lie ahead?
What mouth-watering #fni topics lie ahead?
- 8/2 - Bread & Sandwiches - there's a lot to discuss between slices of bread!
- 8/9 - It Must Be 5 O'Clock Somewhere! - signature cocktails, nibbles, hors d'oeuvres...shaken or stirred?
- 8/16 - Snack Time - healthy, salty, sweet, crunchy, chewy - what's your pleasure?
Stay tuned for updates on which special gifts will be offered to keep the party rolling, and to enhance your entertaining style!
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